
Thursday, 2 July 2020

Back on John Scott's Sewing World

It's been such a busy month, yet most of my sewing has been secret so I haven't been able to share much. A couple of projects are my new Diamond Star and Hexy EPP Cushion Kits which I demoed on John Scott's return show after lockdown. We were all happy to be back in the studio, but it felt very weird not being able to hug anyone - it is lovely to realise how much hugging is done in the sewing world though. 

Anyway, we managed ok, if you missed the show you can watch the show on YouTube here - I'm on in the second hour where I show how to hand piece the diamonds and hexagon shapes together using two EPP techniques. The Cushion Kits are also still available to purchase on the Crafter's Companion website here and include all the Alison Glass Sun Prints fabrics you need for the front, plus the grey background fat quarter, pre-cut paper pieces and full instructions.

I have also been keeping my Newsletter subscribers busy with my free lockdown mystery quilt, Hope in the Stars. You can see some of the latest blocks below, aren't they beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing (clockwise from top left) Bev, Carol, Helen T, Ruth, Helen L, Andrea, Elaine, Jayne and Gracie.

If you would like to learn more about this hand sewing block-of-the-fortnight quilt, free to my Newsletter subscribers, sign up now by clicking here for the latest block, the Le Moyne Star, plus links to all past blocks.

As we are now in July, although it feels more like October here, I think we're now allowed to mention the C word, us makers have permission to start Christmas projects early don't you think!? I have a long list of projects and kits to get on with, including a new Christmas Wreath Table Mat kit, to be featured and demoed on my next appearance on John Scott's Sewing World on 14th July. Kit production is in full swing, which included cutting 600 2.5" fabric strips, ahhh!! 

So, I best get back to it, I really hope you are all keeping well, managing to stay safe and sane during the madness, hopefully through sewing, and hope that we can soon look forward to better days. Best wishes to you all xx