
Thursday, 15 February 2018

Learning from our wonderful quilting community

It really is easier than ever to learn a new skill these days thanks to the wonderful worldwide web and the generous communities out there who love to share their knowledge for free - and the quilting community is certainly no exception. Like many of you, whenever I'm stuck on a project or don't quite understand a technique and need to see a demo, I head for Pinterest or YouTube and it all soon becomes clear.

There are so many websites where quilter's share their knowledge, tips and hints with their readers - you can see my own collection of free tutorials here, from cutting fabric, speedy chain-piecing and EPP to designing a backing and joining binding ends.

The UKQU website is a another growing resource for learning with many of the UK's top quilting professionals as well as us 'normal' people sharing their skills and inspiration in the Bloggers Central section, and there's also a great Hints & Tips section with more free tutorials. This website grew out of the incredibly popular Facebook group and also includes information on quilting retreats, workshops and training, local groups and quilting shops.

I have heard some say that blogging is dying out, but I don't think that's true. If you read my own blog, you will see that every week I link to so-called Linky Parties, weekly online get-togethers where bloggers can share their current makes and meet people across the world, my favrourites are Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts, Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication and Needle & Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation.

As the world becomes smaller and communities become global, these blogs and websites are great opportinties to meet new quilting friends from around the world and find inspiration in unexpected places. Where do you hang out and find your best inspiration? Instagram? Pinterest? Do you have a favourite blogger to share with us? Please leave your comments below, I love to explore new places!

Linking up with:
Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts
Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Needle & Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation


  1. I'm always searching pinterest, instagram and google for tips and ideas. We are a world that thrives on social media. I'm thankful there are so many who share their love of quilting. I think blogging has slowed down because of social media outlets, but it is still going strong. Thankfully there are people like you who keep us going!

  2. I think blogging has slowed, though it's certainly not going away. If you're looking for new quilt blogs, I have three posts full of blogs to follow, cause I'm always wanting to see what others are up too. There are some really talented quilters out there!


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