Friday 1 November 2013

Pudsey and Christmas

Well, its that time of year again, Children in Need, and I'm taking part in BBC Hereford & Worcester local radio's attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the longest string of bunting ever! Now, I'm not the greatest fan of bunting, but our first bunting-fest in a local bar was great fun.. red wine always helps! And we even had a special guest!

We're having another bunt-a-thon at work on Monday, hopefully with a lot of help from our wonderful customers, we'll manage to get some metres done between us! Watch this space.

And of course, after Children in Need, Christmas is only around the corner. I thought I'd start early for the shop window this year, and was inspired by Stuart's Hillard's medallion quilt in a recent mag. Mine just had to start with a Swoon Block, then I've always wanted to try the Orange Peel block, and really like it. I also like the effect created by turning the reds in the quarter square triangles.

I have jazzed up the corners of the simple border with some english paper-pieced hexagons and stars, and then also added my latest discovery, a dresden plate. I loved using the template and will be making many more of these lovely blocks.

I've decided, maybe foolishly, to hand quilt using a large stitch and embroidery thread, hopefully it will be finished it time! The only Christmas thing about this quilt is the fabric, so it could be made with any fabrics…


  1. That is an amazing christmas quilt.

  2. Thank you Freddie, just a bit more quilting... Well a lot more quilting actually :)

  3. Wow. Incredibly beautiful! Cheering you on so that you will have it done before Christmas. I love it!

  4. Thanks Katherine, got a whole day off to get it finished, fingers crossed!


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